Erwin W. Hans
Professor Operations Management in Healthcare
Erwin W. Hans is a Professor Operations Management in Healthcare with full tenure. He obtained his MSc degree in Applied Mathematics in 1996, specializing in mathematical modeling and operations research. He received his doctorate from University of Twente (UT) in 2001, having studied resource capacity planning with applications in discrete manufacturing and project environments. He now works in the department Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems and within the research institute CTIT of the University of Twente.
Since 2003, his research focuses on the area of healthcare Operations Management and Operations Research. He co-founded the Center of Healthcare Operations Improvement & Research (CHOIR – http://www.utwente.nl/choir), the Netherlands’ center of expertise in healthcare logistics. He works with several (university) hospitals, and has studied many applications like the operating theatre, ICU, and radiology departments. He supervises several PhD students in hospitals, and gives lectures to healthcare professionals and (all academic levels) students.